
NLP Practitioner

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Why participate in this Workshop

You will know how

  • Be more confident in every situation
  • Manage emotions when they tend to take over
  • Introduce yourself with more authority both in personal and professional life
  • Establish and develop more profitable and satisfying relationships with those you want
  • Keep a positive state and recover from the negative ones
  • Avoid stress, gain health
  • Manage the relationship with the past more useful
  • Balance personal and professional life
  • Finding more harmony between the inner world and the outside world

To whom it is addressed

The Practitioner is the PNL core course for anyone who wants to enrich the quality of personal and professional life, both of them and of others. This means learning an approach to managing complexity of life and overcoming difficulties in a more effective and easy way, facilitating the necessary change.

Some categories to which they are targeted are also sports coaches, leaders, hi-potential, educators, parents, psycho-physical wellness professionals, and, given its versatile nature, all other future professions that are waiting to have a name.

This path aside from being a set of practical tools that facilitate the change of ones own and others, is an incredibly powerful opportunity to create a significant difference in your life.

The PNL Practitioner is a transformational and inspirational journey towards continuous improvement.

Training features

The route is characterized by 3 main aspects:

  • Generative
    You learn how to create solutions to better manage the complexity of your personal and professional life. The word “generate” that derives from the Latin “generis” means birth, and that is precisely the approach. There are no preconfigured solutions, but you learn to build, on a case-by-case basis, the personalized response and more appropriate to the specific context.It’s like teaching to fish rather than giving fish.
  • Ecological
    Every improvement you get must lead not only to your own good, but must take into account the system in which you act. This is the sense of ecology, from the Greek “oikos”, which means dwelling, and serves to extend beyond the boundaries of our own interest. It needs to ensure that the choices made can really work, because it includes the will of a wider system. It also needs to make us less individualistic, more in agreement with society and the cosmos.
  • Significant
    Through the work of change and improvement, the person succeeds in placing what he does inside, paraphrasing Bateson, of the plot of a large complex design. This means that his work, and consequently, his personal sense of identity, takes on a greater significance, giving him more sense of motivation and satisfaction, and a more perceptible membership in the world we live in.Our courses lead to a wider understanding of what life is calling us to be at every moment in every manifestation.

How does the Training Practitioner take place?

In the 16 days of training you will have the opportunity to understand, experiment, develop and internalize the assumptions on which NLP is based.

The training takes place in a workshop style.

In the workshop mode, techniques are learned through a brief conceptual presentation, followed by a demonstration by the trainer. At this point the participants are ready to experiment with each other, with the supervision of the coach and the assistants. It follows a debriefing phase in which to share the different experiences to make them more available and to integrate them into adapting to every person’s daily life.

The 16 days (considered the minimum necessary not only to acquire NLB but also to apply them) are divided into 7 modules, one per month. This formula allows extensive use of the material learned at its own pace.

Prerequisites for participation

Wanting to create a more desirable future for the benefit of oneself and the community.


The internationally recognized certification from NLP University (Santa Cruz – California, home of PNL), the Robert Dilts and Judith DeLozier Academy of Excellence, the most innovative and ethical trainer in NLP today, will be awarded after completing Proper way, the whole path.

Practitioner Content

  • Create and maintain state of excellence
  • Keep in a positive state for longer
  • Express yourself to the best in multiple situations
  • Manage emotion without being overwhelmed
  • Feel confident with yourself and with your own abilities
  • Finding energy throughout the day


  • Get in touch with the best you want
  • Enter more easily “in the shoes of the other”
  • Connect and communicate with the emotional part, not just with the rational one
  • Communicate by welcoming and enhancing the interlocutor and its diversity
  • Read nonverbal signals, listening beyond words
  • Ask precise questions to understand the deeper meanings of the interlocutor’s words
  • Evaluate situations from different points of view to make more ecological decisions for all parties
  • Manage conflicts by ensuring that all involved parties are fully satisfied

Planning personal and professional projects and monitoring

  • Create a vision of a more motivating and desirable future
  • Establish clear, specific and achievable goals and more in line with who I am
  • Establish measurement parameters to monitor project performance in day-by-day
  • Be more protagonist in building your own future

Facilitate their own and others change

  • Resize, most usefully, the experience of situations that are limiting us
  • Living the past in the most useful way
  • Increase the degree of motivation
  • Have more clarity in decision making
  • Leave old habits not functional
  • Create new behaviors more appropriate to different situations
  • Use and interiorize successful models to accelerate change

Speed up the change

  • Overcome the deeper blocks that hinder the change
  • Keep in the desired state for longer
  • Replace unwanted behaviors, even though they have long persisted


NLP Practitioner 2020-2021
The course is offered in 7 modules (= 16 days) online:

  • 23-24 October
  • 05-06-07 November
  • 11-12 December
  • 15-16 January
  • 12-13 February
  • 12-13 March
  • 15-16-17 April

from 9.00 to 17.30

Book now:
To participate at the training is simple, just fill out the Participation Form or for more information call Alex at 0331.421496 – 335.6901222
E.mail: info@educserv.com

Application – Practitioner
To confirm your attendance at the workshop, download the application, fill in all parts and send it back to us: training@educserv.com

For any further informations, please contact us at 0331-421496