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  • As an HR practitioner, participation in these events is an important step in valorizing people.
  • Sometimes in life, things happen to you and you feel like the ground crumbles under your feet. NLP does not prevent these moments from happening, but it enabless you to manage them better and more effectively.
  • When I thought I was coming to base camp well-equipped for fighting with some “demons”, embarking on this trip to Mount Analog has questioned some of my equipment. I got rid of the superfluous and now I’m ready to deal with the dragons. All this also thanks to the presence of a solid rope.
  • One of the messages that I will take home at the end of this path is that “all the resources are in the system”.
  • The ascent to Mount Analog has been an important, rich and colorful journey; the person who initiated it at the beginning is no longer the same as when arrived.
  • Better predisposition to dealing with situations / people as I am confident that I have many more resources than I thought I had. Now I see things differently.
  • I understood during the “trip” that this was far more than a series of techniques, it was a spiritual journey. The course has opened up doors to some values of identity and spirit that I will continue to work on.
  • Free from the conditioning of the past and with an active energy account, I chose to be the protagonist of my actions. I have the awareness that improvement and change come from having maps that offer me more choices, more chances to interpret what I’m experiencing.
  • Through this course I have grown up as a man and as a professional.
  • “Knowing Arthur’s joy in learning, and his deep knowledge of NLP, you are in wonderful hands.”
    Judith DeLozier (co-founder of NLP, California – USA)
  • It’s wonderful to find out firsthand what an awesome coach, mentor, sponsor and awakener you are. I’m grateful to be with you on this mission to create a world where people want to belong.
    Robert Dilts (co-founder of NLP, California – USA)